
    中国教育馆通过一个基本陈列(从庠序之学到现代学校——中国学校教育展)和三个专题展(陕甘宁边区教育史料展、港澳台地区教育史料展和教育教学用具专题展)向我们展示了中华民族几千年的教育发展史。中国教育馆现有各类教育文物展品2000余件。其中明朝万历年间北京国子监刻本的《十三经注疏》335卷, 清同治六年酉阳州属礼房刻本的《四书正本》19卷等都是存世不多的善本,弥足珍贵。

The Museum of China’s Education illustrates the history of China’s education during the past thousands of years in one basic exhibition (From Xiang Xu to Modern Schools Exhibition of School Education in China) and three specific exhibitions (Education Materials of the Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region, Education Materials of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as Teaching Instruments)。The Museum of China’s Education boasts more than 2,000 pieces of educational relics。The most precious of them are The Thirteen Classics: Annotations and Commentaries (335 Volumes) which was printed by Beijing Imperial College during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1573-1620AD) and 19 volumes of the " The Four Books" that was printed by Li Fang(an institute in charge of fetes and examinations)in Youyang state in the sixth year of the reign of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty。